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  • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P R S T U V Y
  • Tuesday 28 August 2018

    Oh my Mother !!! Baby Song for pregnant Ladies (by -Silwia)

    My Song for the expecting ladies for their Mothers

    Oh my Mother!!!
    oh... mother ..oh   ...my mother
    come and.. give your.. love me...( 2)

    see ...my life ..see....my life
    this is.. yours... best one...

    Oh. mama...oh my mama
    come and.. give your  ....love me..(1)

    Sun.. lighting....Moon getting..but
    Moon... at night lighting..

    oh..my mummy...oh..my mummy
    come and.. give your.. love me..   (2)

    you.. are flower  I..am honey ..but my
    hub is a Bee Bee

    My hub make me I get  pregnant-that is
    Tender  your grandson...
    that is..Tender  your grandson...

    Oh my mother( 2)

    Why some Names are becoming popular than other Names???

    Search most popular baby names & meanings, boy names, girl names, unique baby names, celebrity baby names and more here

    There are too many Names in this world even some Names are becoming most popular .For what???

    This is a big question for everyone that who are researching and searching Baby names.
    I am a student in this Baby Name subject, but I myself reveal some of my imaginations and throats as it was on my mind.
    Firstly I think, that the names are creating the values for them. That means the holder of the name create a value of a Name. such as scientific Names Einstein, Nobel prize winners Barry Barish ,Jeffrey c. Hall

    2nd Some hereditary methods create some Names then those names become famous. Such as monarchy system and Names.
    God and religion making some names as famous, or the good characters in the religious books. such as Jonathan,Josua,Adam
    Rather than these, in the modern World the celebrity names ,Actors Names, and so on ..intervenes on the naming process.

    Naming for a baby is easy but not easy. if you need to select a proper and reasonable name ,then that comes in to complication. But the method should correct to find a proper Name. Then only the vibrant of the name will be attractive with a magnet power.

    What is a Baby Name???

    Search most popular baby names & meanings, boy names, girl names, unique baby names, celebrity baby names and more

    Baby Name is a power of a baby. It determines the lifelong part and identity of a Person. The sign of the Name of a baby becomes more popular than a value of the Baby. If the baby grownups and becomes as a big scholar or Business Man the value is called as a Name of the Person. such as Bill Gates is a biggest Rich man in this world even his value is depend upon his Name. If a baby born in any culture or any nature but the Name of the baby is an identification of the future of a Baby. Therefore naming for a Baby is very important on birth. Some people normally decide some names, even the name is suitable or not, they do not mention it. But, most of the time the babies,who were not have good names,they continually getting fail in their life.

    The vibrant of a Name, is a scientific mater to achieve some goals. Because a name can create mindset on others  view. It is a psychological mindset. The inducement of the vibrant of a Name, that intent and push others to make a Decision. Therefore the names should be suitable for every person, that who want to win in this planet.
    Anyway the Names depend on so many values such as Origin, Culture, Number, Time on Birth..etc.

    The complication is ,which is correct???
    My own Opinion is, that  the parents both mother and father should read some Neumerological and  Articles ,because the numbers are ruling this planet. So first select a Numerological idea and then select a Numerological and famous Name that you wish whatever. This is very good idea to select a Name.